When Mayor Ford and City Council clashed over transit issues, many Torontonians witnessed for the first time, a political standoff that has delayed many important decisions. Toronto´s gridlock and congestion can´t afford a delay to action and many Torontonians are concerned about the future of this city. The standoff prompted Toronto’s longest serving mayor, Senator Art Eggleton to write an op-ed in the Globe and Mail emphatically arguing that “this is no way to run a city”.
On May 28th, WSIC will welcome Senator Eggleton as he explains his issues with the current leadership and how he thinks conflicts in council can better be avoided. After sharing his unique perspectives about the challenges this city faces and how a mayor could better deal with council, Senator Eggleton will answer your questions from the floor. The evening promises to be a lively one.
Senator Eggleton’s record of public service includes the Senate, House of Commons, and Toronto City Council.
Please RSVP using our Eventbrite page. Doors open 7:00, discussion starts at 7:30.