Join us Jan 17 at 7pm for our discussion about Social Justice and domestic poverty reduction. The event is free, you just have to pay for whatever you order for dinner and drinks.
We’ll start with a brief introduction about the topic by Dr. Hayden, and then launch into our talk over food some good food and drinks.
Time: 7pm
Date: Jan 17, 2011
Location: Pauper’s Pub, 539 Bloor St W, Toronto ON, 2nd floor
Guest: Wilburn Hayden – Professor in Social Studies at York University
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About The Speaker
Wilburn Hayden, Jr.
Professor, School of Social Work, York University, Toronto, Canada
B.A., St. Andrews College; M.S.W., University of North Carolina; Ph.D., University of Toronto
Since 1973, Hayden has taught in US and Canadian public universities. For the past twenty-six years he has been in a social work academic leadership position: director/professor, California University; associate dean, University of Buffalo and department chair, Western Carolina University. Research interests: racism & privilege; rural social work; policy; curriculum outcome assessment, Appalachia; black Appalachians, professional orientation, leadership, and disadvantaged communities. Community practice experiences: director of human services; chief social worker in a state prison; and organized community groups from adult male ex-offenders to females and males developing services for battered women to political campaigns. Professional Credentials: Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW); Editorial Boards: Arête’ Journal and Journal of Appalachian Studies, Editorial Board.
Wilburn Hayden has taught social welfare history and philosophy, social action, management, program evaluation, practice, community work, and diversity in nine public funded universities in the US and Canada.
Hayden is a noted educator on rural social work practice and an Appalachian Scholar. Having grown up in the county of Forsyth in North Carolina, he has worked and been involved in Appalachian studies for a lifetime and has taught in three Appalachian universities. Hayden was invited to Washington, DC for PBS documentary on Appalachia. This documentary is a 3 hour series called “The Appalachians” and aired nationally on pubic television spring 2005. It has continued to be aired on most US public television stations.
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