Mental Health – Its challenges and solutions

According to the chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, mental health and addiction issues account for approximately 35 per cent of Canada´s disease burden. Yet, they receive only about 5 per cent of the (funding) resources.

Many doctors believe that the burden on our health care system could be reduced by providing better mental health care before patients are really ill. Dr. Paul Garfinkel, a practicing psychiatrist and former CEO of CAMH, will share his expertise on the matter, as will Elaine Flis, past Chair of the Margaret Frazer House. Their combination of theoretical, practical and front-line expertise will be enlightening for everyone.

Please join us on Monday, March 19th at 7pm at the Duke of York (39 Prince Arthur Avenue) to be part of this event.

And please RSVP to be eligible for our door prize!


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