Charter Rights – Are they Worth the Risk?

Many Canadians consider Omar Khadr´s treatment by American and Canadian authorities to be immoral, and even illegal. But few understand the legal precedent set by his plight.

Canadian officials not only helped violate Khadr´s Charter rights; they made it possible for those violations to be made against any of us. Canadian law has changed significantly since 9/11, making the average citizen far more vulnerable to abuses of power than before.

On the evening of Monday, September 17, Why Should I Care welcomes guest speaker, Dr. Barbara J. Falk, to discuss this important issue. Falk, an instructor at the Canadian Forces College, has not only written on the Khadr case-she has also taught some of the most powerful figures in the Canadian military.

Following her prepared remarks, Dr. Falk will take questions from the audience. You can participate if you wish, or just listen and share a pint with good company. This WSIC event takes place at the Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Ave., and is free.

Please RSVP to let us know if you can join us at

Doors open 7:00 pm, discussion starts at 7:30.

[googlemap lat=”43.6695″ lng=”-79.3973″ align=”undefined” width=”300px” height=”150px” zoom=”15″ type=”G_NORMAL_MAP”]Duke of York[/googlemap]


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