Innovating our Healthcare costs down

Heath care is consistently ranked as the most important issue during election cycles.  However, the costs are proving to be unsustainable particularly as the bulk of Canadians age. Healthcare costs are also asymmetrically distributed among the population.  Five percent of Ontarians account for 65% of provincial health care costs for individual care, with 1% of the population accounting for one-third of these costs.


What is the real cost of Ontario’s healthcare? Who is really shouldering these costs? Despite this being 2016, electronic health records still haven’t …

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Patient engagement is key to Healthcare Sustainability

Patient engagement is key to Healthcare Sustainability

“Patient engagement is the blockbuster drug of this century” said Dr. Zayna Khayat; a great way to sum up her vision for the future of health care. A senior leader with the International Centre for Health Innovation, she and Dr. Ernie Lightman, an economics and social policy professor at UofT, led the Why Should I Care discussion on August 10 2013 at the Duke of York on health care sustainability. Both agree that major changes are needed and coming.

A great deal of health dollars are …

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