Is there Value to a Diversity City Council?
Does Diversity benefit the city? How about diverse representation?
Read More »Does Diversity benefit the city? How about diverse representation?
Read More »Ontario and Quebec saw a lot of water this year. Flooding in the first half of summer kept the Toronto Islands closed for much of the season. Watching the devastation wrought by what seems like an endless line of Hurricanes down south is really forcing us to think about our own infrastructure resiliency.
Once in 500 year storms are happening with increasing frequency. Flooding is becoming common place in Toronto.
What are we doing to make sure our critical infrastructure is ready for future weather events? Are …
Read More »On Monday, 18 November, WSIC discussed the challenges of infrastructure resiliency in Canada in light of our changing climate. Heavy flooding in Toronto this past July and the recent devastating effects of Hurricane Haiyan in the Philippines have shown Canadians that serious consequences could occur us if we don’t start planning now for the future extreme weather events. Leading our discussion on this matter was Chris Fonseca, city councillor of Mississauga and representing Ward 3, and Abe Khademi, a water resources engineer and …
Read More »As major weather events become more common, Canada will have to evaluate how resilient its infrastructure is for the near future. Chris Fonseca and Abe Khademi looks at needs and strategies to get ready.
Read More »On April 15, Calvin Brook, an urban designer and planner with Brook McIlroy and Dr Eric Miller, a civil engineering professor at the University of Toronto, led our discussion on the state and future of the Gardiner Expressway. The issues at stake are transportation and urban design.
We started with a litany of facts: at peak times a lane on the Gardiner carries 2000 cars per hour, with 1.2 people per car, and three lanes in each direction. So we get to about 7200 people per …
How much will you sacrifice for fashion? It´s a question we all ask, especially in the winter. But we aren´t usually thinking about architecture at the time.
Dr. Kim Pressnail, this month´s WSIC guest speaker, made it clear that when it comes to building requirements in this province, form and function are seriously out of balance. And he had a lot of ideas about how to right them.
There are two big reasons to reduce energy use, he explained. The first is cost: it´s cheaper to conserve …
Read More »Many thanks to Dr. Kelly Moghul and Mr. Nobby Miura for the amazing presentation about nuclear safety. Devon was kind enough to write this month’s follow up blog (helped by Ken on the technical side). Special thanks should also go out to our friends from the green party who brought up some great points about nuclear energy.
Our May 16 WSIC event dealt with the safety of nuclear power in Ontario. Our speakers were Nobuyoshi (Nobby) Miura and Dr. Kelly Moghul, both experts in the field, …
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