Food Waste: Reducing the Climate Change impact
Food Waste is a big contributor to climate change. How can we tackle this problem?
Read More »Food Waste is a big contributor to climate change. How can we tackle this problem?
Read More »Ontario and Quebec just had another historic 100 year flood… two years after the last record-breaking 100 year flood. Last summer Ontario, BC, and California all experienced unprecedented wildfires. From Mozambique to Puerto Rico to the Gulf Coast tens of thousands have been displaced by more frequent and powerful hurricanes. Indonesia is about to move its capital from Jakarta partly because of flood risks to its sinking metropolis, while the residents of the Solomon Islands are relocating entire towns in anticipation of the eventual total evacuation …
Read More »Ontario and Quebec saw a lot of water this year. Flooding in the first half of summer kept the Toronto Islands closed for much of the season. Watching the devastation wrought by what seems like an endless line of Hurricanes down south is really forcing us to think about our own infrastructure resiliency.
Once in 500 year storms are happening with increasing frequency. Flooding is becoming common place in Toronto.
What are we doing to make sure our critical infrastructure is ready for future weather events? Are …
Read More »Is pricing carbon harmful or helpful to the Canadian Economy? Join the discussion August 17, 2015. Toronto.
Read More »As cities grow and demands on our time increase, invariably, we opt for convenience when available. This usually means an increase in single use disposable items such as prepared food containers, packaged chemical cleaning solutions and other such functional products. Most of our materials truthfully can’t be recycled and without a doubt, a great deal ends up in the great Pacific garbage patch as shipping containers fall off ships with our plastic “recycling” bound for China.
Many countries in the world have already led the way with recovering energy from …
Read More »On November 17th, WSIC hosted our final event for the 2014 calendar year. Our guest speaker for the evening was Professor Franklyn Griffiths, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, who led an engaging discussion on the topic of Canada’s Future as an Artic Nation.
With the Harper government emphasizing Canada’s sovereignty over areas in the Artic, the question we need to ask is what rights we have as a country over this region, and what impact the environment plays in enforcing these rights in the …
Read More »As major weather events become more common, Canada will have to evaluate how resilient its infrastructure is for the near future. Chris Fonseca and Abe Khademi looks at needs and strategies to get ready.
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